The Best April Fools Day Joke On Someone With an iPhone

As most of us know, April Fool's Day has gone and passed. However, this year I pulled off the best joke I ever have. My brother and I decided that we wanted to pull off something big this year. We were searching for the best joke we could find, and here's what we came up with:

First, change the contact name for yourself on your victim's phone to that of their favorite news company. Unfortunately, you'll need access to their phone in your hands to accomplish this.
Next, head to their messaging apps, and delete all of their text messages. This ensures that they won't notice the name change in any other texts you've recently sent them.
After doing so, dream up the disaster of your choice. Our "disaster" was President Obama deciding to drop a nuclear bomb on Libya.
Finally, send them an official looking text message saying "breaking news" or something along those lines, and then the disaster. It is sure to freak them out, and ours got the desired reaction. Comment with the effectiveness of your "disaster alert".

1 comment:

  1. Interesting article. I will definately do this to someone I know.
